Talks and Seminars

Spring 2024 Learning Seminar

Time: Thursday, 1:30 PM to 3:30 PM

Place: 2-255, unless otherwise noted


Weixiao LuFeb. 8On the geometric side of Jacquet-Rallis RTF
Ryan ChenFeb 15Corank 1 arithmetic Siegel-Weil
Hao PengFeb. 22Lambda-adic representation attached to modular forms
Robin ZhangFeb. 29Modular and p-adic formulation of Harris-Venkatesh conjecture
Ryan ChenMar. 21Statement of the main result
Hao PengApr. 4Examples of main result
Weixiao LuApr. 18Geometric Satake
Vijay SrinivasanApr. 25ADLV I
Zeyu WangMay. 2ADLV II
Mikayel MkrtchyanMay. 9Moduli of local Shtukas and cohomological correspondences

Fall 2023 Learning Seminar

Time: Monday, 10 AM to Noon

Place: 2-361


Danielle WangSep. 11Twisted GGP conjecture for unramified quadratic extensions
Murilo Corato ZanarellaSep. 18Explicit models of relative spherical functions and a conjecture of Hironaka
Gefei DangSep. 25Local newforms for generic representations of unitary groups
Kenta SuzukiOct. 16Orthogonal Shimura varieties and moduli of K3 surfaces
Hao PengOct. 23Tate conjecture for hyperkähler varieties over number fields
Ryan ChenOct. 30Integral models of orthogonal Shimura varieties
Ryan Chen/ Vijay SrinivasanNov. 13Integral modles II Tate conjecture for K3 surfaces of positive characteristic
Vijay SrinivasanNov. 20Tate conjecture for K3 surfaces of positive characteristic II
Weixiao LuNov. 27Tate conjecture for K3 surfaces of positive characteristic III
Andreas MihatschDec. 4Average Colmez conjecture
Hao PengDec. 11Local Langlands for GL(n) over p-adic fields