Hello! This is Weixiao Lu, a fifth year Ph.D. student at MIT, advised by Prof. Wei Zhang. Before that, I obtained my Bachelor’s degree from Peking University in Beijing, China.
Research Interest
- Automorphic Representation Theory
- Arithmetic Properties of L-function.
(joint with Paul Boisseau and Hang Xue) The global Gan-Gross-Prasad conjecture for Fourier-Jacobi periods on unitary groups, preprint
(joint with Ryan Chen and Wei Zhang) Faltings heights and the subleading terms of adjoint L-functions, in preparation
GGP conjectures for unitary groups, a talk given at MSRI on introduction to GGP conjectures for unitary group, including a joint work with Hang Xue and Paul Boisseau on Fourier-Jacobi periods.
Kolyvagin Theorem, a talk on Kolyvagin’s theorem on elliptic curves.
Adic Spaces,Diamond Two talks on Berkeley Notes.
Examples of Brauer Groups (In Chinese)